June Meyer's Authentic Hungarian
Zucchini Squash with Dill


Summer meant zucchini squash canning season. Zucchini grown as big as a small watermelon. Bunches of fresh dill would be hanging in the summer kitchen waiting to be stuffed into the canning jars along with the noodled zucchini and vinegar. I never knew what fresh zucchini tasted like until I was a grown woman. Our zucchini was always pickled with dill to see us through the winter months. Remember, I am talking about 50 years ago. The only way we served zucchini was canned with dill and vinegar and then cooked with onion and sour cream. It looked like translucent noodles in a creamy white sauce. There is no way to compare the taste to anything similar. It is very distinctive. We had it often and loved it.

Today, it is impossible to buy giant zucchini. This recipe omits the canning process for an overnite brine soaking in the refrigerator. You will find it easy and very good.

Regards, June Meyer.

Wash and peel zucchini. Cut ends off and slice on a grater with large holes.
Place zucchini noodles in a bowl, add 1 heaping Tbls. salt, 1/2 cup of vinegar and the dill. Mix well, cover and refrigerate overnite.
When you are ready to prepare it, transfer squash to a cooking pot, and add enough water to just come to the top of the squash. Don't drown it!
Add the sliced onion, mix well and cook. You can tell it is done when the squash changes color and takes on a creamy color. Pour off the brine, but do not throw it away as you may need some of it.


In a small separate bowl, put 1/2 cup of sour cream plus 1 Tbls. flour and mix well.
Add to hot drained squash stirring vigorously so you won't have any lumps. If it is too thick thin it out by adding 1 Tbls. of sour cream at a time alternating with the brine 1 Tbls. at a time.
Then add your sugar and pick out the dill and serve. I hope this becomes a family favorite.

Serves 4 to 6.


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